Peter Jones writes: ‘Last year I had a couple of pieces in this newsletter about my gastronomic trips around the world – as usual I got a tad carried away and produced around 4000 words plus a load of photographs.

‘I had another piece ready to submit, though as the newsletter editors are now ruthlessly enforcing the word limit for contributions(!), it looked like that was the end of it. One of them, however, came up with the bright idea that I should start blogging, and in no time I was hooked up with Kathy Slack under the Guild’s mentorship scheme. (In my case, it is a mentorship in reverse – one of us older members being mentored by someone younger and more savvy with modern technology know-how.)

‘Well, it worked and is up and running. These are exciting times as I approach my 75th birthday. Not only has being a member of the Guild got me sprinkling dead crickets on my cornflakes, I am now a blogger and influencer.

‘If things work out by the time you read this I will have planted the Welsh flag on top of the Matterhorn and be looking forward to trips to The Camargue, Japan and Marrakesh.’

As well as hitting ‘follow’ on Peter’s new blog, why not consider putting yourself forward as a mentor for the Guild’s mentorship scheme? Contact