Love is in the air
Paul Hartley writes: ‘I am the author of many iconic recipe books from The Marmite Cookbook (Bloomsbury) to the Guinness Cookbook (Hamlyn) and together with my wife we have a café-bistro on the Mendip Hills near Wells in Somerset called Hartley’s Kitchen.
‘My “Food for Lovers” website has grown from 200 visits a month to over 5500 visits a month over 5 months – which I’m delighted about. I write regular recipes and blogs and create lovely situations for lovers to eat and enjoy. The website also has several videos of the dishes I have created specially for this website.
‘I would love some feedback, thoughts and personal experiences from fellow Guild members.
‘One day this will make a great book in a market hungry (excuse the pun) where romance, food and erotica hold hands over the dining table. My mission is to get couples to put away their phones and tablets and make meal times special again from planning menus to shopping to cooking to dimming the lights and lighting the candles.
‘I call it “A lovers’ romp in a gastronomic wonderland…”‘