I had an online singing lesson via Zoom early in April and decided that though it wasn’t ideal, I did enjoy it, and perhaps the same could work for some cooking sessions. I surveyed some of my mailing list and social media followers to find out what would be of interest, and then initially launched with 4 classes in May.

Each class lasts 90 minutes, with the simple idea of cooking (and eating) dinner together. I already had an events module built into my website, and was able to take payments via stripe (which has a lower commission than Eventbrite, though I do have an annual fee for the events module on my website). 

I have 5 attendees at each class, so the Zoom gallery view isn’t too full, and also so that everyone can interact and ask questions. Everyone has their microphone and video on throughout (unless they are blending something noisily!). I film predominately from my laptop in my small galley kitchen, and also use my mobile phone as a roving second camera (sometimes on a tripod, sometimes hand-held) for close-up work. 

So far it has worked really well, and the classes I planned for May filled up, with June already looking over half full (I have now expanded to 6 classes). I’ve marketed them across my mailing list, social media and via friends and family. Many participants have made repeat bookings so I must be doing something right! 

I am charging £18 a class, which I felt was a fair price given current climate.

The profits won’t go anywhere near to make up for all the work I have lost over the last few months (work as a private retreat chef for example – all cancelled for the foreseeable future), but are very welcomed nevertheless!

I’m happy to answer any questions anyone has about setting things up.


Classes cerijoneschef.com/event/on-line-cooking-classes-june/