I was inspired by lockdown to sign up to a creative writing course in January 2021 and this gave me the confidence to start writing about my passion- food- and sending my work to Magazine editors. I had an encouraging start with a commission from Platinum magazine and I haven’t looked back since. I write in a personal essay style about our emotional connection to food, how it bridges gaps between cultures, promotes diversity and inclusion and brings you closer to the people you love. I was born in Beirut and spent my early childhood there before fleeing the civil war there when I was 12 years old to come and live in Europe. Those early years had a huge imprint on my approach to food and more than anything else, I cook Lebanese food to remind me of my happy childhood and to pass on my cultural heritage to my children. I write widely about this and started a weekly blog on Instagram about my food stories.
Angela Zaher
Author, Feature writer
Special subjects
Lebanese food.
Food nostalgia.
How cooking has helped me cope with grief and anxiety.
Emotional connections to food,
Regular work
Weekly blog via Instagram.
Commissioned for features in Platinum magazine, Kingston Time & Leisure and Gal-dem
Languages spoken
Arabic, French, English. Some Spanish.
Commercial interest
I am working towards a book publishing deal.

- Email Angela
- 07879810364
- 2 Whitelands Crescent London SW18 5QY