Guild member Holly Jones reports ‘Here at Manna from Devon Cooking School we’re now at the stage of one new wood fired oven in means one older wood fired oven heads out – nobody really needs any more than 8 of them surely?

‘So when Bushman Wood Fired Ovens designer Jay Emery wanted to upgrade one of our dem kitchen ovens, we fortunately found the perfect place to send the old one. With Sam Ward, school food education coordinator for south Devon, we came up with a plan to send it to a primary school in Exeter where the children already grow their own vegetables, collect eggs from their own chickens and have a mini farmers market of their produce to raise funds. 

‘Two willing(ish) dads turned up with the school caretaker in a transit van to take our old oven back to the school, scratching their heads only slightly when they realised the plinth they had fashioned wouldn’t support the oven’s 250kg weight. The latest news is that it’s all been rebuilt and the oven is sitting by the veggie garden ready for the new term and the children returning. We love it when a plan comes together!’

From left to right: Jay Emery from Bushman Wood Fired Ovens, Sam Ward the South Devon School Food Coordinator and David Jones of Manna from Devon Cooking School